AI Strategist
Mark Brinkmann
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to change the ways in which we live and work. We are leaving the age of personal computers and the internet behind us while AI becomes mainstream in many areas of our lives. I am personally convinced that AI will enable us to increase the productivity of both businesses and our personal lives dramatically. One result, for example, will be an abundance of digital services. AI will not only change and automate processes especially in the retail and industry sectors, but it also holds one of many keys to tackle climate change. AI can offer solutions to eliminate energy waste or help to significantly reduce food waste. As we enter this new era, we must consider and discuss ethical issues that accompany the implementation of AI models. I want to lead this change, ask difficult questions, foster new AI solutions, automate processes, innovate AI products, and develop new business models with an open mindset.
My Books
KI Jetzt!
-Gabal VerlagUmfassendes Praxisbuch für den Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz im Berufsleben
Regenerative Zukünfte und künstliche Intelligenz
-Springer VSErstes umfassendes Kompendium zu Nachhaltigkeit und Künstlicher Intelligenz